- The beautiful exists in contrast with the ugly. 美的东西和丑的东西相比较而存在。
- In contrast with the religion?s illusion and abstractness, family is real and concrete and has ethical nature in itself, which logically determines its position as starting point of ethics. 又由于宗教自身带有的虚幻性与抽象性,与之相对,家庭却具有实在性与具体性,更由于家庭自身的伦理本性,在逻辑上决定了家庭之为伦理始点的地位。
- In contrast with the religion抯 illusion and abstractness, family is real and concrete and has ethical nature in itself, which logically determines its position as starting point of ethics. 又由于宗教自身带有的虚幻性与抽象性,与之相对,家庭却具有实在性与具体性,更由于家庭自身的伦理本性,在逻辑上决定了家庭之为伦理始点的地位。
- In contrast with the Other Club there is the popular Pancake Day. 相比之下,人们熟悉的薄烤饼节则是与“别人俱乐部”迥然不同的活动。
- In contrast with his brothers, Tom is rather short. 与几位兄弟相比,汤姆的个子相当矮。
- In contrast with their system, ours seems very old-fashioned. 我们的制度与他们的相比,显得过于守旧了。
- This appears big in contrast with that. 这个同那个对比起来显得大。
- This is called short-range order, in contrast with the long-range order of a solid crystal. 这称之为短程序,以区别于固态晶体的长程序。
- Consider for example the activities of bees in contrast with the changes in the sands when the wind blows them about. 以蜜蜂的活动为例,和上面风吹沙漠时沙子位置的变化进行对比。
- The white walls make a contrast with the black carpet. 白色的墙壁与黑色的地毯形成了鲜明的对照。
- The reasoning is involved, in contrast with the very natural explanation given by the MO method. 与MO法给出的很自然的解释比较起来,论证是复杂的。
- This bag is big in contrast with that one. 这个包比那个大。
- The virtue of Scipio is in contrast with the Roman prevailing moral decline in Polybius’s time. 他有关斯奇庇奥美德的描述,正反衬了波里比阿时代罗马道德的普遍堕落。
- Placement opposite to or in contrast with another. 反对的立场与另一物体相对或处于相对的情况
- This appears small in contrast with that. 这个同那个比起来显得小多了。
- In contrast with her sister, she is very tall. 与姐姐相比, 她个子很高。
- Flowers and fruit have been rendered conspicuous by brilliant colours in contrast with the green foliage. 花和果由于鲜艳的色彩和绿叶形成醒目的对照。
- How strange the quiet of this deserted end of town in contrast with the day of the fighting at Peachtree Creek! 这个被遗孀的城郊今天竟如此寂静,这跟桃树沟大战的日子对比起来,显得多么奇怪!
- In contrast with our old house, the new one is a mansion. 与旧房子相比,这所新房子简直是公馆。
- A computer program which can protect the computer system from the attack of specific virus. This is a term in contrast with the term"virus". 一种计算机(防病毒)程序,可以抵御特定病毒对计算机系统的攻击。这一术语是相对于术语“病毒”而言的。